Her finner du Kristianias pågående forskningsprosjekter og prosjekter innen kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid.
School of Arts, Design, and Media
- 21st Century Graphic Design: Practice, Industry and Society
- Capturing Tap
- Danse-spesifikt screening av aerobe utholdenhet blandt dansestudenter på BA i Dansekunst- The DAFT test
- Designing Educational Wargames
- Designing the Future: Exploring the Role of Design in Systemic Transformations (Preproject)
- FactArt – Samfunnet ser
- Fashion Media in the Age of Connectivity
- Four kilos in an urn: neither here nor there, between words and music
- Moving Image Moving Earth (MIME)
- Norwegian Fashion: New Histories
- Playable Systems (ParadigmShift!)
- Project management practices in the creative industries (PMPCI): lessons on autonomy and value creation
- Slow Dance
- TYPOLOGY O/ A FASHION SHOW or when architecture found fashion
- "Writing the Writer - an exploration og truth vs.fiction in the biographical screenplay genre." Screenwriting research project focused on a drama series on Henrik Ibsen's "chaotic years".
School of Communication, Leadership, and Marketing
- Algoritmiske redaktører og mediemangfold
- Arbeidsvilkår for skeive i akademia: En empirisk undersøkelse av mangfold, (selv)sensur og akademisk frihet
- Bærekraft fra utsiden og inn - en case-basert antologi
- Dark triad - Hvem egner seg for lederposisjoner
- DigiLove
- Dynamisk kompetanseledelse
- Langtidseffekter av strategisk kompetanseanalyse
- Politikk, innovasjon og ledelse (PIL)
- Risk Communication and Community Engagement
- Scandinavian Political Communication During the Pandemic
- Sosial inkludering gjennom idrett
- Toolkit for rapid social science studies to support response to Mpox in WHO European Region
Prosjekter der Kristiania er partnere:
- The Source Criticism And Mediated Disinformation (SCAM)
Forskningsprosjektet vil utvikle ny kunnskap og metoder som er egnet til å oppdage og motvirke spredning av desinformasjon i demokratiske samfunn. Prosjekteier: Oslo MET. Prosjektleder for Kristiania: Bente Kalsnes, professor. - Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies (OPTED)
OPTED is a design study that lays the foundation for an infrastructure that will serve a major hub for political text analysis in Europe. The EU-funded H2020 project involves 17 research institutions organized in 10 work packages which collaboratively work on designing the building blocks of the infrastructure. Among the objectives of the infrastructure are scientific community building, the extension of text analysis tools, and learning materials for social scientists, the broader public and journalists. Project owner: University of Vienna. Project leader for Kristiania: Bente Kalsnes, professor.
School of Economics, Innovation, and Technology
- BeInsight
- Earth4All
- EAST: Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Understand and Secure Web/Enterprise Systems
- PhotoFake – Visual Disinformation, the Digital Economy and the Epistemology of the Camera Image
Prosjekter der Kristiania er partnere:
- Earth4All
Earth4All is an international initiative to accelerate the systems-change we need for an equitable future on a finite planet. Our analysis combines the best available science with new economic thinking. We found that the next ten years must see the fastest economic transformation in history if we want to steer humanity away from social and ecological catastrophe. Project leader for Kristiania: Ben Callegari, associate professor. - Studentdrevet utvikling av læringsverktøy for databaseundervisning
Prosjektet handler blant annet om å vise hvordan bachelorstudenter kan utvikle læringsverktøy i samarbeid på tvers av utdanningsinstitusjoner. Studentene bidrar ikke bare til utvikling av selve koden, men også med faglige innspill på designvalg og spillifisering gjennom case-basert undervisning. Prosjektet eies av Institutt for elektro, IT og kybernetikk ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge. Per Lauvås er prosjektdeltaker fra Kristiania. - WorldTrans
Integrated assessment models (IAM) are designed to provide policy-relevant insights into global environmental change and sustainable development. However, IAMs face limitations. This makes citizen engagement important to achieve the goals of the European Green Deal. The EU-funded WorldTrans project will focus on fundamental limitations of advanced IAMs. These include the weak representation of social, human and economic heterogeneity, limited representation of feedback between the domains of nature and humans, and lack of transparency concerning the inner workings of the models and the uptake of results and engagement of citizens and stakeholders. Project leader for Kristiania: Ben Callegari, associate professor.
School of Health Sciences
- AcuBreast
- Assessing of autonomous nervous system activity via synchronisation of heart rate variability (HRV) to measure responses during trauma focused Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) sessions
- Arbeidsplassering med individuelle støttetiltak for å hjelpe personer med langvarige smerter tilbake i arbeid (ReISE)
- Chronic pelvic pain among Somali women living in Norway. Effect of self-management strategies assessed through a single-case experimental design
- Designing for Enhanced Competence through Active Participation in Higher Education (DECAP-HE)
- Elderly Mortality Rates during SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Measures in Norway
- FactArt – Samfunnet ser
- Facilitators to empower immigrant women living with endometriosis and its influence on health -seeking behavior and meetings with health-care providers
- GamingMedia and the Elderly (GAME)
- Gender In Norwegian Art (GINA): How gender, author biography and context affect financial and aesthetic art evaluation
- Health and Academic Performance with Happy Children (HAPHC)
- Helsefremmende oppvekst i Horten kommune (HOPP)
- Krysskulturell familie vold
- Mesasurement of Stress in Students (MESS)
- Oppdagelse av tegn på hjerterytmeproblemer med maskinlæring i mennesker med hjerteklaffsykdom
- PMS og kognitive funksjoner
- Premenstruelle symptomer, helse og arbeid
- Prevention of abuse of older adults in Norway (PAOAN)
- Promoting Health and Well-being through Inclusive Education in Higher Education
- Sammenheng mellom hvit støy og hallusinasjoner
- Senskader etter brystkreftbehandling - med fokus på fatigue. Er akupunktur et relevant behandlingstilbud?
- Social media identity among young leaders
- Styrkende narrativ: Hjelp til selvhjelp for ukrainske flyktninger
- The Ives Project
- Tidsbegrenset spising for symptomlindring ved irritabel tarmsyndrom
Prosjekter der Kristiania er partnere:
- Blodig alvor - behandling av endometrioseplager
Forskningsprosjektet ønsker å undersøke effekt av et tverrfaglig behandlingsprogram basert på fysisk aktivitet og trening og smertemestringskurs i gruppe for endometrioseplager (aktivitetsgruppe) sammenlignet med smertemestringskurs alene (kontroll). Dette er et pasientnært forskningsprosjekt der resultater kan danne grunnlag for nye retningslinjer for behandlingstilbudet til pasienter med endometriose der fysioterapeuter vil ha en betydelig rolle. Prosjekteier: Akershus Universitetssykehus. Prosjektleder Kristiania: Merete Kolberg Tennfjord, førsteamanuensis Kristiania. - Designing for Enhanced Competence through Active Participation in Higher Education (DECAP-HE)
The main overall goal of the project is to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education and to empower individuals and institutions in higher education to, in cooperation with other stakeholders and by exchanging good practices they actively respond to the challenges of preparing students for work and life in the 21st century. Project leader for Kristiania: Asgeir Mamen, professor. - Individual and Collective Empowerment of the Population of Marginalized Settlements in the Field and Community Social Work
The main goal of the project is examine the concept of empowerment in community work with marginalized groups and vulnerable groupspopulation in the Slovak Republic and in international comparison. Project owner: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Project leader for Kristiania: Miroslava Tokovska, associate professor. - Treatment of endometriosis-associated symptoms. A randomized controlled trial with a multimodal interdisciplinary group approach.
- University Enhancing the Smart Active Aging (UESAA)
The aim of the project is to promote the issue of active smart aging among the various age groups attending universities. Project owner: University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Project leader for Kristiania: Miroslava Tokovska, associate professor. Interview with Miroslava regarding this project can be read here (in norwegian).
Kristiania prioriterer nasjonalt og internasjonalt samarbeid
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