Scandinavian Political Communication During the Pandemic

  • Project period: 2023 - 2027
  • Category: In-house Project


Leadership is practiced in several ways and through several channels of communication. Indeed, leaders such as political party leaders, heads of state or directors of government agencies increasingly depend on social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to communicate with their respective stakeholders and citizens. Such leadership communication efforts are especially important in times of crisis - such as during the covid-19 pandemic. For research, recent years have seen a rise in the demand of cross-country comparisons – especially looking beyond anglo-american contexts. The Scandinavian countries thus seem like a suitable “most similar” type selection – especially given their differing responses to the covid 19-pandemic. For practice, the two projects will provide empirical insights into online leadership communication during crisis – knowledge that will help train communication and leadership professionals such as those trained at Høyskolen Kristiania.


The project is financed by Kristiania University College


  • Anders Olof Larsson

    Anders Olof Larsson

    • Project manager
    • Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for kommunikasjon

    Anders Olof Larsson
  • Roy Aulie Jacobsen

      Kristiania University College

      Kristiania University College

    • Elisabeth Hasselström

        Kristiania University College

        Kristiania University College