Nicholas Jonathan Ind

    • Professor
  • School EIT faglig
  • School of Economics, Innovation and Technology


Nicholas Ind is a Professor at Kristiania, Oslo. His research focus is on corporate branding and conscientious business.

Previously Nicholas ran Icon Medialab’s brand consultancy arm in Sweden, had his own consultancy in the UK and was a Director of a design group. He has worked on projects for a number of international brands including adidas, Telenor, Telia, The Economist, Greenpeace International and The Economist.

Nicholas is the author of thirteen books that have been published in 9 different languages, including The Corporate Image, The Corporate Brand, Living the Brand, Co-creating Brands and In Good Conscience. He was also the editor of Beyond Branding, Brands with a Conscience and The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding. He has written academic articles for California Management Review, Business Horizons, Journal of Brand Management and Industrial Marketing Management.

He is a member of the advisory board of Corporate Reputation Review, the editorial board of the Journal of Brand Management and the Scientific Committee of the Academy of Marketing SIG on Branding.


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