Arbeidsgruppe for Kunstnerisk Utviklingsarbeid/KU

Fosfor er et faglig felleskap bestående av forskere med bakgrunn fra grafisk design, interaksjonsdesign, illustrasjon, tjenestedesign og art direction. Flere jobber med transdisiplinære prosesser.

Key Information

Duration: 2024 -

Participants: Claus Sohn Andersen, assistant professor, head of programme (BA Sound Engineering and Music Production); Tore Teigland, professor; Pål Erik Jensen, assistant professor

Research Interests

Research interests are delineated by an emphasis on practice and student relevance.

All projects deal with topics directly relevant for the recording and/or live music profession and should either expand on the current curriculum within the educational field of sound engineering and music production or provide a natural addition to the current curriculum. 

Current and completed research projects include investigations of different microphone techniques, software applications, music mastering practices, psychoacoustics, mixing techniques and methods, drummers’ performance, overdubbing a big band, Dolby Atmos, and the impact of listening conditions on interplay in the recording studio.

Claus Sohn Andersen

Sohn Andersen is an Assistant Professor and PhD Research Fellow at Kristiania University College, where he teaches Music Production. He is also head of this research group.
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