Når: Onsdag 1. november, kl. 09.00 - 16.00. 

Eldorado Esport & Entertainment

Adresse: Torggata 9b, 0181 Oslo

Påmelding: Påmelding er ikke lenger mulig.

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Hvordan skille mellom ekte og AI-generert innhold? 

Utfordringene som oppstår med ny AI-teknologi innen faktasjekking er betydelige. Hvordan utvikler dette feltet seg og hvilke metoder blir tatt i bruk for å gjennomskue AI-generert bildeinnhold?

Deltakelse er gratis, og
retter seg mot journalister og redaktører i Norsk medier, representanter fra norske politiske partier, etterretningstjenester, toppledere, ansatte i humanitære og menneskerettighetsorganisasjoner, samt forskere.

Arrangementet foregår på engelsk. 


09.00: Doors open, registration and light refreshments 

09.30: Welcome & introduction by Morten L. Dahlback (Faktisk.no) and Nils Arne Bakke (Kristiania University College). 

10.00: Presentation by Mevan Babakar, the News and Information Credibility Lead at Google. 

10.45: 15 min break  

11.00: Presentation by Andrew Dudfield, interim CEO of Full Fact, the UK’s largest independent fact-checking organization. 

11.45: 60 min break with a light lunch provided 

12.45: Amnesty International's AI-Generated Images: A Critical Assessment by Liv Hausken, professor and the head of the research for Media Aesthetics at the Univeristy of Oslo. 

13.30: 15 min break

13.45: Multimodal Generative AI and Synthetic Media: Current Threats and Responses from a Global Human Rights and Civic Journalism Perspective by Sam Gregory, Executive Director of the independent fact-checking organization WITNESS. 

14.30: 15 min break

14.45: Focus on the interaction between journalism and tech development by Pål Nedregotten, Director of Technology at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)

15.30: Closing remarks 

* Small changes in the program may occur, potentially causing smaller moves of the time of the lunch break and the end. 


    • Mevan Babakar

      Mevan is the News and Information Credibility Lead at Google, working to tackle misinformation globally, and to support journalists.

      Mevan was previously Interim CEO at Democracy Club which empowers voters and everyday democracy in the UK and deputy CEO of Full Fact, the UK’s independent fact-checking charity where she worked on the problems mis/disinformation for seven years.

      She founded Full Fact’s automated fact-checking team which built technologies to help scale the work of fact-checkers around the world. This work went on to win the Google AI Impact Challenge. Mevan also sat on the board of the International Fact Checking Network, which oversees 300 fact checking organisations worldwide.   

    • Andrew Dudfield

      Andrew Dudfield is the interim CEO of Full Fact, the UK’s largest independent fact-checking organization, and for the past 15 years has worked in the head of product and head of technology roles in a wide range of civic tech and non-profit organizations.

      Andrew has been in charge of delivering core services for the websites of the BBC and the Office of National Statistics. As the Head of Product at Full Fact, he has worked to produce tooling to support the automated process of fact-checking. 

    • Liv Hausken

      Liv Hausken is a professor and the head of the research for Media Aesthetics at the Univeristy of Oslo. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Bergen with a doctoral thesis on modern time experience explored through studies of photo theory, narrative theory, and still film. 

      Liv is particularly concerned with critical research on topics such as biometrics (including the biometric passport), scientific imaging, surveillance, and social security. She is currently part of the research project Photofake: Visual Disinformation, the Digital Economy and the Epistemology of the Camera Image.
    • Sam Gregory

      Sam Gregory is the Executive Director of the independent fact-checking organization WITNESS, where he leads a five-year strategic plan to “Fortify the Truth” and promotes a global team of activists and partners who support millions of people using video and technology globally to defend and protect human rights.

      Sam has co-created pioneering approaches for how technology can aid activists through the YouTube Human Rights Channel, the WITNESS Media Lab, and the award-winning ObscuraCam and ProofMode projects with the Guardian Project. 

    • Pål Nedregotten

      Pål Nedregotten is the Director of Technology at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) and has a wide variety of experience with business development, innovation, and strategic analysis.

      Pål has degrees in media studies and political science from the University of Oslo, and the University of Westminster in London. He has worked extensively at the intersection between journalism and tech development.