Working Life and Sustainability
The research group Working Life and Sustainability conducts research on issues and challenges related to sustainable development from a systems and interdisciplinary perspective.
Key information
- What: The research group Working Life and Sustainability explores issues related to sustainable development from a systems and interdisciplinary perspective.
- Duration: 2022 - 2025
- Participants:: Rune Bjerke (leder), Irmelin Drake, Kjersti Ruud Walaas, Arne Nygaard, Ranvir Rai, Marius Langseth, Sindre Olafsrud, Nicholas Jonathan Ind, Kjersti Ruud Walaas, Kristin Molvik Botnmark, Ingunn Elvekrok, Tone Danielsen, Cathrine Filstad, Erlend Nybakk, Karl-Fredrik Tangen, Åshild Mongstad, Kari Mette Solheim
For more information about each participant's background and research, click on the participant's name above, and you will be taken to the person's staff page.
Funding: Kristiania

Rune Bjerke
The research group Working Life and Sustainability will work diligently in an exciting, enjoyable, and enriching work environment to achieve six main objectives.
The research group will contribute to strengthening knowledge about sustainability towards the upcoming experience-based master's program in leadership at Kristiania University College (starting January 2024). Thus, planned subjects that touch upon sustainability dimensions will be enhanced. Working Life and Sustainability will work with applied research in collaboration with companies, organizations, and associations. Working Life and Sustainability will contribute to positioning Kristiania University College towards a future university and strengthen the areas of sustainability, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The research and activities will fall within several of the UN's sustainability goals. The research group will apply for internal and external funds for research projects and PhD positions. The results of the research projects will be published in international scientific journals, and popular scientific articles will be published in outlets such as "Dagens Perspektiv" and "Dagens Næringsliv".
Background and Idea
The world appears to have an understanding of the need for change given environmental challenges and a range of social issues we face. However, the need for change does not seem to be sufficiently converted into action, according to the UN's climate panel. The panel believes that climate adaptations are too slow and calls for decisive action.
Sustainability issues are discussed and addressed in several industries, sectors, and functions/areas in the organizations. In Norway, the state, counties, and municipalities purchase goods and services related to transport for about 1 billion EUR annually. It is argued that green public procurement can be considered a strategic tool to stimulate sustainable consumption and cleaner production. Therefore, sustainable public procurement is high on the agenda of European decision-makers (Langseth & Moe, 2022). Callegari & Rai (2021) discuss the DNB case, sustainability, digitalization, and technology-based financial services. Panwar, Nybakk, Pinkse & Hansen (2015) studied sustainability initiatives among small manufacturing companies and Flygansvær, Dahlstrom & Nygaard (2018) examined sustainability dimensions at distribution channels in the electronics industry.
Sustainability issues are often complex, interdependent, and difficult to understand. Sustainable development, in addition to the willingness to change, requires a holistic perspective. Seeing and understanding systems - systems thinking - is important, which represents a prerequisite for change according to Isaksson (2019). Silvestre & Ţîrcă (2019) review the diversity of innovation for sustainable development in the research literature. They propose a typology (see the figure below) for the field and theme and identify a number of recommendations for future research. Sustainable innovations contain social, environmental, and economic dimensions.
The research group Working Life and Sustainability represents an interdisciplinary environment (sustainability management, leadership, sustainability strategies, green marketing, brand building, green purchasing, change management, competence management, organizational learning and organizational development, innovation management, health management, and entrepreneurship (see resources below).
The idea underlying the establishment of this research group is to research issues and challenges related to sustainable development from a systems and interdisciplinary perspective.
Research areas linked to the UN's sustainability goals:
The research group Working Life and Sustainability will work independently and with partners within six areas linked to the UN's sustainability goals.
Responsible consumption and production (12)
Good health and well-being (3)
Quality education (4)
Industry, innovation, and infrastructure (9)
Sustainable cities and communities (11)
Partnerships for reaching the goals (17)