Asle Fagerstrøm

    • Professor
  • School EIT Academic staff
  • School of Economics, Innovation and Technology
+47 950 75 325


Asle Fagerstrøm is a Professor in Marketing at Kristiania University College (Department of Technology) and teaches digital marketing, consumer psychology, marketing of high-technology and innovation, behavioral economics, human-computer interaction and research methods. Fagerstrøm’s research areas are primarily online shopping, use of technology to influence healthy choices, future of retail, and personal finance. He has published in Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Information Management, Computers in Human Behavior, and Interacting with Computers.

Fagerstrøm is head of the Behavioral Lab where researchers use behavioral science, technology and design to demonstrate behavioral change in areas such as online shopping, health related behavior, personal finance, and use of public services. The research is applied and are often done in cooperation with the industry.

Fagerstrøm has a diploma in Education. He has developed, and managed, several study programs on bachelor and master level. Fagerstrøm supervise students on bachelor, master and PhD level. He has been invited as guest lecturer from the industry and at institutions such as University of Oslo (NO), Cardiff Business School (UK), Reykjavik University (IS), Arcada University of Applied Sciences (FI).

Areas of expertise

  • Online shopping
  • Future of retail
  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Consumer behavior
  • Healthy choice technology
  • Personal finance

Employee details