Contract Management in Public Procurement
- Project period: 2020 - 2022
- Category: Comissioned Research Project
Quantitative studies and previous literature have shown that contract follow-up in public contracts is not taken care of well enough. The consequences of inadequate and poor follow-up of the contracts entered into can be costly for the public sector. In phase 1, the project took a closer look at this challenge with the help of qualitative interviews with seven informants.
The project is financed by The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management (DFØ)
Marius Langseth
- Project manager
- Associate Professor
Kristiania University of Applied Sciences
School EIT Academic staff
Marius LangsethTor Endre Gustavsen
Kristiania University College
Kristiania University College
Olav Johansen
- Associate professor (Førstelektor)
Kristiania University of Applied Sciences
Olav Johansen
- Langseth, Marius, Johansen, Olav & Gustavsen, Tor Endre (2021). Kontraktsoppfølging i offentlige anskaffelser. I Langseth, Marius & Similä, Jan Ole (red.) Å kjøpe for Norge. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202713645. p {0}. doi: 10.23865/noasp.128.ch5