Deferred exams and re-sit exams
Deferred exams are conducted for students who had a valid absence during the exam. Continuation exams are conducted for students who have not passed the exam or want to improve their grade.
Re-sit exams: you must pay a fee
Deferred exams: free of charge
Online students: There are no separate deffered and re-sit exams for online students, as exams are held in all online courses every semester. Online students who wish to take a deferred or re-sit exam must register for the next ordinary exam in the course.
Assessment form
In the course description, you will find a description of the course's assessment form, both for the original exam period, and for re-sit/deferred exam. This tells you how and when students can repeat the course's exam.
Remember to check which type of examination applies if re-taking the exam. This is the student's responsibility and the examination form might be different from when you originally took the course.
Curriculum for re-sit for vocational college students (Fagskolen)
The first time a re-sit exam is conducted, the same curriculum applies as for an ordinary exam. It is the student's responsibility to check which assessment form applies when registering for a re-sit exam in a course. Check the course description for the semester in which you took the original exam to find out which retake scheme applies.
New retake scheme
As of fall 2022, the latest version of the course description describes the current assessment and syllabus for re-sit/deferred exam. This means that you must pay extra attention to which assessment form and syllabus apply if you took the course earlier than the course's last regular completion. All students who wish to retale an exam must register for the same assessment scheme in Studentweb.
If there are major changes in the assessment scheme from when you took the course to now, it is important to be aware that for some students it may mean that previous partial results are canceled, if the exam now counts 100% of the course grade, or that an A-F will change to a Pass/Fail. For example, it may be that the course has previously had compulsory activities, but now has no compulsory activities - or vice versa. For portfolio exams, this may mean that you should not submit an improved version of the portfolio requirement you had at the time, but the portfolio requirement that was handed out linked to the last current course description.
The change has been made to ensure that students are tested in the most recently completed version of the course, with updated literature and an assessment scheme that is adapted to the curriculum.
To check assessment find your course here
To check the curriculum see here
Registration for active students is done via Studentweb and is binding once the deadline has passed. Exam dates for re-sit exams will be available in your Studentweb when you sign up for re-sit exams.
How to sign up for or cancel deferred and re-sit exams
The sign-up and cancellation period for re-sit exams is as follows:
- January 11 - February 1 for fall subjects
- June 19 - July 10 for spring semesters
- September 10 - October 1 for bachelor and master thesis
If the exam is repeated in connection with an ordinary exam, the registration and deregistration period follow the same deadlines as for registration for an ordinary exam.
Exam dates for re-sit exams will be available in your Studentweb when signing up for continuation exams. The deadline for sign-up and cancellation is independent of pending appeal about grades. If you receive the result of an appeal after the deadline for cancellation has expired, it is not possible to withdraw your registration.
ATTENTION! When registering for re-sit exams, you register for the entire course, not just one exam. The instructions explain how to register for the exam and, if necessary, how to withdraw from a partial exam in the selected course.
Instructions for registration for continuation exams (in Norwegian)
Former student
Former students who do not have access to Studentweb, register for continuation via the following form. You will find your registration in your Studentweb within one week and no later than the registration deadline (July 10 or February 1).
Registration and deregistration for continuation exams for former students
Contact for access:
WISEflow: Contact form for the Study administration
You get access to the building when you go to the reception/student service center.
For login to Studentweb, use your national identity number (11 digits) and a 4-digit PIN code.
Time of examination
Time for discontinuation
Kristiania has two fixed continuation weeks (postponed) per year.
The fall courses are continuated in weeks 8 and 9 with associated weekends. Spring courses are continuated in weeks 32 and 33, with associated weekends.
Some courses will have repeats together with the ordinary exam. This is stated in the course description and follows the same registration deadlines as ordinary exams.
Courses that run in both spring and fall can be continued in both continuation weeks. Continuation of the bachelor's/master's thesis follows the next ordinary review.
Information about which semester the course was completed can be found in the course description on our website.
- Deferred and continuation home exams are normally 72-hour individual home exams and are often conducted on the weekends associated with the continuation week. Group home exams are conducted individually, unless otherwise stated in the course description.
- For continuation of the same portfolio requirements as the ordinary exam, the entire portfolio must be resubmitted in an improved version.
- For continuation of composite exams, please refer to the course description.
Postponement and continuation of oral and practical exams are held in connection with the continuation week in the fall/spring.
Repetition of compulsory activity (work requirements)
Students who do not pass the compulsory activity in the course will be withdrawn from the exam and are responsible for registering for the continuation exam.
The continuation exam is then considered the first attempt at the exam. Repeating a compulsory activity is free of charge. Compulsory activities must be completed and approved within two weeks before the continuation exam is held.
Pricing model for continuation fee
New exams/continuation exams are subject to a separate exam fee. Students who have a valid absence from the exam can take a postponed exam free of charge.
The price applies per exam and depends on how many credits the course counts. Credits are listed in the course description and in Studentweb.
A digital invoice is sent out by e-mail after the exam has been arranged.
Price model for new exam/continuation exam:
- Kristiania University College per exam: , ≤ 7,5sp = 1350 kr , > 7,5sp = 2200 kr
- Kristiania University College per exam: , ≤ 15sp = 1500 kr , > 15sp = 2200 kr
- Bachelor thesis per exam: , ≤ 15sp = 4500 kr , > 15sp = 6750 kr
- Master's thesis per exam: , ≤ 15sp = 4500 kr , > 15sp = 6750 kr
Exceptions in the pricing model:
- University and vocational [Fagskolen] school courses of more than 15 credits with three or more exams have a fixed price of NOK 1,350 per exam.
- Bachelor and Master courses with three or more exams have a fixed price of NOK 3300 per exam.
Explanation of the pricing model:
- ≤ means the same as or less than
- > means higher than
Compulsory activity is not an exam. A non-approved compulsory activity entitles the student to repeat the course free of charge.
An exam (or composite exam) is considered to be the specific exam activity you are graded on Studentweb. Either the grading scale Pass/Fail or A-F.
Example of cost calculation of repeated exams:
If a course counts 5 credits (sp) at Kristiania University College, each exam in this course will cost NOK 1350.
If a course counts 20 credits (sp) at [Fagskolen], each exam in this course will cost NOK 2200. With exception: if the course has more than two exams in total, each exam will cost 1350 NOK.
If the master's course counts 45 credits, each exam in this course will cost NOK 6750. With exception: if the course has a total of three exams, each exam will cost NOK 3300.