Rom med arbeidssoner, møtelokaler og sosial sone.
Bryggeriet er stedet hvor gode idéer kan boble opp. Foruten møteområder og sosiale soner, har også lokalet flere arbeidssoner med egne storskjermer hvor grupper kan arbeide sammen.Photo: Kristiania

We facilitate for you who have either started a business, or are starting a business. Bryggeriet provides expertise and experience in starting and running a business.

We cultivate and develop entrepreneurial businesses from idea to launch for students and businesses. We do this by offering guidance and facilitating business ideas.

  • Foto av møtebord og stoler.

    Apply for a spot

    Do you have a good idea for a business? Do you want to become part of the student incubator Bryggeriet?

  • Studenter som jobber i gruppe.

    Bryggeriet's offer

    • An incubator space for students who have innovative ideas, concepts or early-stage start-ups.
    • Free office spaces in an attractive coworking space.
    • A community with other students across disciplines.
    • Mentoring, assistance and network to relevant resources and people both at and outside Kristiania.
    • Inspiration and support to develop ideas for sustainable business models and companies.