Foto av student med PC.
Duration:2 years

Master of Science in Digital Entrepreneur­ship

This degree explores the intersection of entrepreneurship and digital technologies.
Foto av student med PC.

Key information

  • Close to practice

    Learning activities and assignments that directly help develop your business idea.
  • Multidisciplinary collaboration

    During studies, you will be able to build a professional network, especially within innovation, technology, management, and marketing.
  • Experience-based learning

    As a part of the education process, you will start and develop your own student enterprise.
  • Admission requirements

    This study program have specific admission requirements. Read them under frequently asked questions.
  • Master
  • Fall 2024
  • Full-time
  • 120 Points
  • Oslo
  • 2 years
  • English

Learning Outcomes

This degree is relevant for persons with a bachelor’s degree who wish to start or have started a digital business within the areas of their bachelor's specialization and want to obtain knowledge and skills about entrepreneurship, innovation, and business administration.

Among other topics, you learn more about:

  • Innovation - concepts and perspectives
  • Digital strategy
  • Entrepreneurial finance
  • Corporate entrepreneurship
Student ser på graf på pc-skjerm.

Study model

The Master's degree runs over two years (full-time) or four years (part-time) and consists of a total of 120 ECTS.
120 total ECTS credits
60 ECTS credits
1. semester
2. semester

7.5 ECTS

7.5 ECTS

7.5 ECTS

7.5 ECTS

7.5 ECTS

7.5 ECTS

7.5 ECTS

7.5 ECTS
  • MS404Master Thesis
  • MA144Business development
  • VALMDI99930BAlternatively: Student exchange (30 ECTS, of which 7,5 ECTS within entrepreneurship or innovation)
  • VALMDI99930AElective courses (15 ECTS specialization in a closely related discipline, or a combination of closely related discipline

Career Opportunities

The students obtain advanced knowledge, skills, and competences necessary for starting and developing a sustainable digital business. The combination of a hands-on experience and an opportunity to graduate with an operating digital business in addition to the master diploma is the unique element of this program.

Other career opportunities include working as a:

  • Business developer
  • Innovation consultant
  • Corporate entrepreneur
  • Chief innovation officer
  • Chief marketing officer
When the world gives you lemons, make a new world.

This is the application process

Here you will find important information about the application process and how you can best prepare for the start of your studies.
  • Important deadlines

    The application deadline is 15. April 2023. The documentation deadline for diplomas and certificates is 1. July 2023. Note that 15. April 2023 falls on a Saturday.
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  • Processing time

    For study programs with rolling admissions, you will receive a conditional offer within 1–3 days of submitting the application, if there are available slots for the study program you applied for.
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  • How to apply

    Min Side for søkere is where you accept the offer and upload necessary documentation for your qualifications.
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  • Semester registration

    You must register and confirm your individual education plan before you are reported as an active student to the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund, and to gain access to your subjects in Canvas, the learning platform.
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  • SiO (Oslo) and Sammen (Bergen)

    SiO and Sammen offers housing, health services, kindergardens, fitness centers and much more to its members.
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  • Loans and grants

    All our study programs are publicly approved and give the right to apply for loans and grants from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen).
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  • Services and adaptations

    As a student, you can get guidance, everyday adaptation and follow-up on study-related questions and challenges. We have a duty of confidentiality.
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  • Mitt Kristiania

    This is where you get an overview of your schedule, syllabus, services and other tools you need as a student.
    Mitt Kristiania
  • Student ID card

    As a new student, you can have a student card made on all our campuses except the Brenneriveien Campus. Your student card serves as an access card at the college’s campuses, ID for exams, payment card for printers and library card.
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Any questions?

Our student ambassadors are happy to answer you – either by phone, chat, video or email.
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Frequently Asked Questions