Leila Ferguson
- Senior advisor
- Professor
- School of Health Sciences
Leila Ferguson is a professor of education at Kristiania University College. Ferguson is head of studies for education (online BA and year-long program) and has joint responsibility for the program for pedagogical training for academic staff. Ferguson has published several articles and book chapters in the fields of educational psychology and teacher education.
Ferguson's research area is primarily in the field of education.
In 2015 Ferguson received H.M. the King's Gold Medal for her Ph.D. on epistemic beliefs and multiple text comprehension from the University of Oslo.
Areas of expertise
Employee details
Scientific Publications
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2025). Norwegian Higher Education Teachers' Beliefs About Teaching, Motivation, and Approaches to Researching and Developing Teaching. Frontiers in Education. ISSN 2504-284X. 9 doi: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1452854
- Husebø, Dag, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Stalheim, Odd Rune, Erikson, Inger Carin, Isaksen, Karl Robert, Mavroudi, Anna & Wallin, Patric (2024). Det universitets- og høgskolepedagogiske vitenskapsområdet i Norge - fremvekst, grunnlagstenkning og "state of the art". Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-86079-0.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Ludvigsen, Kristine, Luimes, Maike & Siddiq, Fazilat (2024). UH-institusjoners arbeid med forskning på egen praksis: en casestudie. I Husebø, Dag, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Stalheim, Odd Rune, Erikson, Inger Carin, Isaksen, Karl Robert, Mavroudi, Anna & Wallin, Patric (red.) Det universitets- og høgskolepedagogiske vitenskapsområdet i Norge - fremvekst, grunnlagstenkning og "state of the art". Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-86079-0. p {0}. doi: 10.23865/cdf.225.ch9
- Braasch, Jason L. G., Anmarkrud, Øistein, Andresen, Anette, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Kardash, CarolAnne M. (2023). Beliefs about the Malleability of Working Memory Guide College Students’ Evaluations of Belief-Inconsistent and Belief-Consistent Journal Articles. Reading Psychology. ISSN 0270-2711. 44(6) p {0}. doi: 10.1080/02702711.2023.2179145
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar, Jensen, Magne Skibsted & Andreassen, Ulf Rune (2022). A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study of Norwegian Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs About Sources of Teaching Knowledge and Motivation to Learn From Theory and Practice. Journal of Teacher Education. ISSN 0022-4871. 74(1) p {0}. doi: 10.1177/00224871221105813
- Bråten, Ivar, Brandmo, Christian, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Strømsø, Helge Ivar (2022). Epistemic Justification in Multiple Document Literacy: A Refutation Text Intervention. Contemporary Educational Psychology. ISSN 0361-476X. 71 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2022.102122
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bråten, Ivar (2022). Unpacking pre-service teachers’ beliefs and reasoning about student ability, sources of teaching knowledge, and teacher-efficacy: A scenario-based approach. Frontiers in Education. ISSN 2504-284X. 7 doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.975105
- Lunn Brownleee, Jo, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Scholes, Laura, McDonald, Sarah, Stahl, Garth, Comber, Barbara & Mills, Reece (2021). Middle school students’ science epistemic beliefs – Implications for measurement. International Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0883-0355. 105 doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101719
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2021). Evidence-informed teaching and practice-informed research. Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie. ISSN 1010-0652. 35(2-3) p {0}. doi: 10.1024/1010-0652/a000310FULLTEKST
- Froud, Robert, Hakestad-Hansen, Solveig, Ruud, Hans-Kristian, Foss, Jonathan, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Fredriksen, Per Morten (2021). Relative Performance of Machine Learning and Linear Regression in Predicting Quality of Life and Academic Performance of School Children in Norway: Data Analysis of a Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). ISSN 1439-4456. 23(7) doi: 10.2196/22021
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Krange, Ingeborg (2020). Hvordan fremme kritisk tenkning i grunnskolen? Forskningsbaserte forslag . Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-2052. 104(2) p {0}. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-2987-2020-02-09
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2020). Teacher Beliefs in Higher Education. Læring om læring. ISSN 2535-4108. 4(1) FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila (2019). Argumentation as a pathway to critical thinking. I Garssen, Bart, Godden, David, Mitchell, Gordon R. & Wagemans, Jean H.M. (red.) Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. International Society for the Study of Argumentation. ISBN 9789090316369. p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Lunn Brownlee, Jo (2018). An Investigation of Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs about the Certainty of Teaching Knowledge. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. ISSN 0313-5373. 43(1) p {0}. doi: 10.14221/ajte.2018v43n1.6
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bråten, Ivar (2018). Student teachers' beliefs about learning, teaching, and teaching knowledge: A qualitative study . Teacher Education & Practice. ISSN 0890-6459. 31(3) p {0}.
- Ferguson, Caleb, DiGiacomo, Michelle, Gholizadeh, Leila, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Hickman, Louise D. (2017). The integration and evaluation of a social-media facilitated journal club to enhance the student learning experience of evidence-based practice: A case study. Nurse Education Today. ISSN 0260-6917. 48 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2016.10.002
- Lunn Brownlee, Jo, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Ryan, Mary (2017). Changing Teachers’ Epistemic Cognition: A New Conceptual Framework for Epistemic Reflexivity. Educational Psychologist. ISSN 0046-1520. 52(4) p {0}. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2017.1333430
- Strømsø, Helge Ivar, Bråten, Ivar, Anmarkrud, Øistein & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2016). Beliefs about justification for knowing when ethnic majority and ethnic minority students read multiple conflicting documents. Educational Psychology. ISSN 0144-3410. 36(4) p {0}. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2014.920080
- Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2016). The role of epistemic beliefs in the comprehension of single and multiple texts. I Afflerbach, Peter (red.) Handbook of individual differences in reading. Reader, text, and context. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-65888-1. p {0}. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2011.538647
- Bråten, Ivar & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2015). Beliefs about sources of knowledge predict motivation for learning in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. ISSN 0742-051X. 50 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2015.04.003
- Bråten, Ivar, Braasch, Jason, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2015). Establishing Trustworthiness when Students Read Multiple Documents Containing Conflicting Scientific Evidence. Reading Psychology. ISSN 0270-2711. 36(4) p {0}. doi: 10.1080/02702711.2013.864362
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2015). Epistemic beliefs and their relation to multiple-text comprehension: A Norwegian program of research. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 59(6) p {0}. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2014.971863
- Bråten, Ivar, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2014). Students working with multiple conflicting documents on a scientific issue: Relations between epistemic cognition while reading and sourcing and argumentation in essays. British Journal of Educational Psychology. ISSN 0007-0998. 84(1) p {0}. doi: 10.1111/bjep.12005
- Bråten, Ivar, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Anmarkrud, Øistein, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Brandmo, Christian (2014). Modeling relations between students' justification for knowing beliefs in science, motivation for understanding what they read in science, and science achievement. International Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0883-0355. 66 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2014.01.004
- Bråten, Ivar & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2014). Investigating cognitive capacity, personality, and epistemic beliefs in relation to science achievement. Learning and Individual Differences. ISSN 1041-6080. 36 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2014.10.003
- Bråten, Ivar, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Anmarkrud, Øistein & Strømsø, Helge Ivar (2013). Prediction of learning and comprehension when adolescents read multiple texts: the roles of word-level processing, strategic approach, and reading motivation. Reading and writing. ISSN 0922-4777. 26(3) p {0}. doi: 10.1007/s11145-012-9371-x
- Braasch, Jason, Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge Ivar, Anmarkrud, Øistein & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2013). Promoting secondary school students' evaluation of source features of multiple documents. Contemporary Educational Psychology. ISSN 0361-476X. 38 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2013.03.003
- Strømsø, Helge Ivar, Bråten, Ivar, Britt, M. Anne & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2013). Spontaneous Sourcing Among Students Reading Multiple Documents. Cognition and Instruction. ISSN 0737-0008. 31(2) p {0}. doi: 10.1080/07370008.2013.769994
- Bråten, Ivar, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2013). Justification beliefs and multiple-documents comprehension. European Journal of Psychology of Education. ISSN 0256-2928. 28(3) p {0}. doi: 10.1007/s10212-012-0145-2
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2013). Epistemic beliefs and comprehension in the context of reading multiple documents: Examining the role of conflict. International Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0883-0355. 62 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2013.07.001
- Anmarkrud, Øistein & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2013). Comprehending multiple texts: Theories, components, and competence. I Bjørnestad, Elisabeth & Stray, Janicke Heldal (red.) New Voices in Norwegian Educational Research. Brill | Sense. ISBN 978-94-6209-462-8. p {0}. doi: 10.1007/978-94-6209-464-2_4
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2013). Making sense ofmultiple texts: An investigation into epistemic beliefs and multiple-text comprehension when students read about controversial science topics. Akademika forlag.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bråten, Ivar (2013). Student profiles of knowledge and epistemic beliefs: Changes and relations to multiple-text comprehension. Learning and Instruction. ISSN 0959-4752. 25 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2012.11.003
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar & Strømsø, Helge Ivar (2012). Epistemic cognition when students read multiple documents containing conflicting scientific evidence: A think-aloud study. Learning and Instruction. ISSN 0959-4752. 22(2) p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2011.08.002
- Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Andresen, Anette (2024). Thinking critically about critical thinking in teacher education.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2024). Norwegian higher education teachers’ beliefs about teaching and research on teaching.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Husebø, Dag, Stalheim, Odd Rune, Erikson, Inger Carin, Isaksen, Robert, Mavroudi, Anna & Wallin, Patric (2024). Innledning. I Husebø, Dag, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Stalheim, Odd Rune, Erikson, Inger Carin, Isaksen, Karl Robert, Mavroudi, Anna & Wallin, Patric (red.) Det universitets- og høgskolepedagogiske vitenskapsområdet i Norge - fremvekst, grunnlagstenkning og "state of the art". Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-86079-0. p {0}.
- Wallin, Patric, Husebø, Dag, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Stalheim, Odd Rune, Erikson, Inger Carin, Isaksen, Robert & Mavroudi, Anna (2024). Avslutningskommentar. I Husebø, Dag, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Stalheim, Odd Rune, Erikson, Inger Carin, Isaksen, Karl Robert, Mavroudi, Anna & Wallin, Patric (red.) Det universitets- og høgskolepedagogiske vitenskapsområdet i Norge - fremvekst, grunnlagstenkning og "state of the art". Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-86079-0. p {0}.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Luimes, Maike Kristina (2023). Teaching in higher education (THE project): Teacher beliefs about teaching and research on teaching in higher education.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bråten, Ivar (2023). Unpacking pre-service teachers’ beliefs and reasoning: A scenario-based approach.
- Brandmo, Christian, Strømsø, Helge Ivar, Anmarkrud, Øistein, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bråten, Ivar (2023). Epistemic Beliefs and Interest as Predictors of Student Teachers’ Attitudes towards Deep Learning.
- Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Andresen, Anette (2023). Critical thinking in teacher education: A systematic review.
- Andresen, Anette, Braasch, Jason L. G., Anmarkrud, Øistein, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Kardash, CarolAnne M. (2023). Beliefs about the Malleability of Working Memory Guide College Students’ Evaluations of Belief-Inconsistent and Belief-Consistent Journal Articles.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2023). Teaching is a profession in crisis. sciencenorway.no. FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2023). Teaching is a profession in crisis. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X. FULLTEKST
- Brandmo, Christian, Bråten, Ivar, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Anmarkrud, Øistein & Strømsø, Helge Ivar (2023). Epistemic justification and interest as predictors of pre-service teachers' topic beliefs and knowledge.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2022). 'Pausepraten: live' (S1E8) - Spesial-episode: Forskning på egen undervisning og pedagogisk praksis (m. Sigrid Gjøtterud og Leila Ferguson).
- Wallin, Patric, Erikson, Inger Carin, Husebø, Dag, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Isaksen, Robert, Mavroudi, Anna & Stalheim, Odd Rune (2022). Spenninger, nyanser og mangfold i universitets- og høgskolepedagogikk. Khrono.no. ISSN 1894-8995.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2022). Åtte gode grunner til å forske på egen undervisning. Forskersonen.no. FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2022). Åtte gode grunner til å forske på egen undervisning. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X.
- Bråten, Ivar, Brandmo, Christian, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Strømsø, Helge Ivar (2022). Beliefs about justification for knowing and the selection and processing of multiple documents: An intervention.
- Bråten, Ivar, Brandmo, Christian, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Strømsø, Helge Ivar (2021). Epistemic justification in multiple documents literacy.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Lunn Brownleee, Jo (2021). Teacher Beliefs and Epistemologies. Oxford Bibliographies in Education. doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199756810-0276
- Kiili, Carita Päivi Susanna, Brante, Eva Wennås & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2021). Kritisk lesing på Internett. I Grøver, Vibeke & Bråten, Ivar (red.) Leseforståelse i skolen: Utfordringer og muligheter. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-65006-3. p {0}.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila & Jensen, Magne Skibsted (2021). Critical Thinking in Norwegian Teacher Education (CT-TED) .
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila (2021). Teaching Discipline-Specific Critical Thinking Skills.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Luimes, Maike Kristina (2020). Når undervisernes oppfatninger står i veien for bedre undervisning. www.forskning.no.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Luimes, Maike Kristina (2020). Når undervisernes oppfatninger står i veien for bedre undervisning. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2020). Slik lærer du barna dine å være kildekritiske. Forskning.no. ISSN 1891-635X. FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2020). Slik lærer du barna dine å være kildekritiske. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X. FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2020). Teacher beliefs in higher education.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2020). Sjekk kilden! Fire tips om god kildekritikk . Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X.
- Furuvik Sand, Lotte & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2020). Fem råd om smart digital læring. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X.
- Furuvik Sand, Lotte & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2020). Lær av de beste! Fem råd som hjelper deg til å studere smartere. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X. FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2020). Fighting fake news. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X. 1 p {0}.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2019). Qualitative assessment of change in (pre-service) teachers’ epistemic cognition.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2019). Early career teachers’ beliefs about sources of teaching knowledge.
- Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2019). An intervention on critical thinking through argumentation: findings and implications .
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2019). Preservice teachers' beliefs about teaching knowledge.
- Lunn, Jo, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Stahl, Garth, Scholes, Laura, Comber, Barbara, McDonald, Sarah D. & Mills, Reece (2019). Exploring middle school children's science epistemic beliefs: Implications for measurement.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila (2019). Kunsten å tenke kritisk. Forskning.no. ISSN 1891-635X. FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila (2019). Kunsten å tenke kritisk . Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X. FULLTEKST
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2018). My experience as a job seeker.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila (2018). Argumentation as a pathway to critical thinking.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2018). Exploring Development of Adaptive Epistemic Cognition in Preservice Teachers.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2018). Discussant for JURE Symposium.
- Krange, Ingeborg, Rasmussen, Ingvill, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bakkene, Hildur (2018). Critical Literacy Skills: Exploring the Effect of Different Teaching Styles in High Schools History Education.
- Lunn Brownlee, Jo, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Ryan, Mary (2017). Changing teachers' epistemic cognition: A new framework for epistemic reflexivity.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bråten, Ivar (2017). Espoused and enacted beliefs about intelligence and teaching among preservice teachers.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Lunn Brownlee, Jo (2016). Preservice teachers' beliefs about the stability of teaching knowledge.
- Kienhues, Dorothe, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Stahl, Elmar (2016). Diverging information and epistemic change. I Greene, Jeffrey A., Sandoval, William A. & Bråten, Ivar (red.) Handbook of epistemic cognition. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-01342-1. p {0}.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2016). Investigating epistemic beliefs and written arguments in pre-service teachers.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2016). Making sense of multiple texts.
- Rasmussen, Ingvill & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2016). Exploring the roles of teachers’ instructional activities and peer interactions in the development of critical literacy skills in history.
- Ferguson, Caleb, DiGiacomo, Michelle, Gholizadeh, Leila, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Hickman, Louise D. (2016). The integration and evaluation of a social-media facilitated journal club to enhance the student learning experience of evidence-based practice: a case study.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bråten, Ivar (2015). Beliefs about Sources of Knowledge Predict Motivation for Learning in Teacher Education.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2015). PIA-dagen inspirasjonsforedrag.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2015). Beliefs about sources of knowledge and motivation for learning in teacher education.
- Brandmo, Christian, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Elstad, Eyvind & Tiplic, Dijana (2014). New and Experienced Teachers’ Trust in Sources of Pedagogical Knowledge and Implications for Motivation.
- Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2014). Students' epistemic beliefs and text comprehension: What we believe we know and what we believe we need to know.
- Anmarkrud, Øistein, Bråten, Ivar, Brandmo, Christian, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2013). Relationships among individual differences, processing, and performance in multiple-text comprehension.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2013). Web research could give you a bad dose of cyberchondria. The Conversation. ISSN 2201-5639.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar & Salmerón, Ladislao (2013). Motivation, processing and comprehension differences in student profiles of knowledge and epistemic beliefs.
- Strømsø, Helge Ivar, Bråten, Ivar, Anmarkrud, Øistein & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2013). Beliefs About Justification for Knowing when Ethnic Majority and Ethnic Minority Students Read Multiple Conflicting Documents.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2013). Changes in student profiles of knowledge and epistemic beliefs when reading multiple conflicting texts.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Anmarkrud, Øistein, Strømsø, Helge & Bråten, Ivar (2012). Profiles of epistemic beliefs and knowledge when reading multiple texts.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2012). Adolescent profiles of knowledge and epistemic beliefs in the context of reading multiple texts.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2012). Dimensionality and change in epistemic beliefs when adolescents read conflicting information presented in multiple documents.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2012). Adolescent profiles of knowledge and epistemic beliefs in the context of reading multiple texts.
- Strømsø, Helge Ivar, Bråten, Ivar, Anmarkrud, Øistein & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2012). Relationships between beliefs about justification for knowing and multiple-documents comprehension among language-majority and language-minority Norwegian students.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2011). Epistemic Cognition and Multiple-Documents Literacy: An Intervention Study.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Bråten, Ivar & Strømsø, Helge Ivar (2011). Epistemic Cognition and Change when Students Read Multiple Documents Containing Conflicting Scientific Evidence: A Think-Aloud Study.
- Bråten, Ivar, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Strømsø, Helge Ivar & Anmarkrud, Øistein (2011). Working with multiple conflicting documents: Relations between epistemic cognition while reading and argumentation and sourcing in essays.
- Strømsø, Helge, Bråten, Ivar, Britt, M. Anne & Ferguson, Leila Eve (2010). Students' awareness and use of source information while reading multiple documents online.
- Strømsø, Helge Ivar, Bråten, Ivar, Ferguson, Leila Eve & Britt, M. Anne (2010). Students’ Spontaneous Sourcing While Reading Multiple Documents Online.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve (2025). Norwegian Higher Education Teachers' Beliefs About Teaching, Motivation, and Approaches to Researching and Developing Teaching. Frontiers in Education. ISSN 2504-284X. 9 doi: