Miroslava Tokovska
- Associate Professor
- School of Health Sciences
Miroslava Tokovska works as an Associate Professor at Kristiania University College and teaches public health, basic medicine, and psychology.
Tokovska has published several articles in reputable journals, both nationally and internationally in the fields of public health, migration health, dementia care, health and social work, psychosocial support and work, elderly care, and family.
Tokovska's research mainly deals with topics within public health, elderly care and psychoeducational interventions.
Areas of expertise
Employee details
Scientific Publications
- Seberini, Andrea, Izakova, Katarina & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Greenwashing – ciemna strona marketingu ekologicznego. Studium przypadku ze Słowacji. Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae. ISSN 1733-1218. 22(1) p {0}. doi: 10.21697/seb.5800
- Seben Zatkova, Timea, Tokovska, Miroslava & Šolcová, Jana (2024). What Psychosocial Support Do First Year University Students Need? A Mixed Creative Methods Study. International Journal of Emotional Education (IJEE). ISSN 2073-7629. 16(1) p {0}. doi: 10.56300/AXLK4968
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Šolcová, Jana, Nolasco Ferreira, Vanessa, Nour, Magde Mohamed, Yilmaz, Muharrem, Malmedal, Wenche Karin & Botngård, Anja (2024). Elder Abuse Prevention in Brazil, Norway and Slovakia: a Narrative Review. Central European Journal of Public Policy. ISSN 1802-4866. 18(1) p {0}. doi: 10.2478/cejpp-2024-0003
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Doktorova, Dominika & Šolcová, Jana (2024). Promoting Cognitive Brain Health and Sustained Attention in Adults and Older Adults Through e-Games. Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER). ISSN 1309-9108. 15(3) p {0}.
- Šeben Zaťková, Timea, Ambrozy, Marian, Tokovska, Miroslava & Šolcová, Jana (2024). University Students’ Views and Understanding Towards Ageing and Older Adults. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. ISSN 1804-7890. 14(1) p {0}. doi: 10.33543/j.1401.277282
- Zaťková, Tímea S., Šolcová, Jana, Jamborová, Ľubica & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). University Students’ Knowledge about Welfare Technologies within Active Aging Concept: An Online Survey Interview. Emerging Science Journal. ISSN 2610-9182. 8(3) p {0}. doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-03-017
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Doktorová, Dominika & Šolcová, Jana (2024). Promoting Cognitive Brain Health and Sustained Attention in Adults and Older Adults Through e-Games. Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER). ISSN 1309-9108. 15(3) p {0}.
- Alfarnes, Natalia & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Helsefremmende samhandling og medborgerskapsperspektiv i en barnehagekontekst. I Torgersen, Glenn-Egil, Sæverot, Herner & Jermstad, Linnéa K. (red.) Samfunn og samhandling under press: Betydning for pedagogisk praksis og teori. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202829407. p {0}. doi: 10.23865/cdf.227.ch10
- Cokluk, Betül & Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Self-management of type 2 diabetes among Turkish immigrants in Norway: A focus group study. Journal of Public Health Research. ISSN 2279-9028. 12(1) doi: 10.1177/22799036231154680
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Nour, Magde Mohamed, Sørensen, Anette & Nolasco Ferreira, Vanessa (2023). Public Health Measures Enacted by the Norwegian Political Leadership to Protect the Elderly in Response to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Crisis. Central European Journal of Public Policy. ISSN 1802-4866. 17(1) p {0}. doi: 10.2478/cejpp-2023-0001
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Nolasco Ferreira, Vanessa, Vallušová, Anna & Seberini, Andrea (2023). E-Government—The Inclusive Way for the Future of Digital Citizenship. Societies. ISSN 2075-4698. 13(6) doi: 10.3390/soc13060141
- Seberini, Andrea, Tokovska, Miroslava & Vallušová, Anna (2023). Long-term Integrated Care for Older Adults. Belianum. ISBN 978-80-557-2054-8. FULLTEKST
- Kvalsvik, Linda Anette & Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). „Život už není beznadějný…“. KONTAKT – Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness. ISSN 1212-4117. 25(4) p {0}. doi: 10.32725/kont.2023.043
- Vallušová, Anna, Seberini, Andrea, Kaščáková, Alena, Horehájová, Mária & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). The Long-Term Care with Focus on an Integrative Care Model in the Slovak Republic: A Pilot Study. Social Sciences. ISSN 2076-0760. 11(2) p {0}. doi: 10.3390/socsci11020038
- Seberini, Andrea, Nour, Magde Mohamed & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). From Digital Divide to Technostress during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review. Organizacija (Journal of Management, Informatics and Human Resources). ISSN 1318-5454. 55(2) p {0}. doi: 10.2478/orga-2022-0007
- Lie, Silje Stangeland, Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). How might digital healthcare influence citizenship for people with chronic conditions? A narrative review. I Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger, Gjermestad, Anita & Lid, Inger Marie (red.) Lived citizenship for persons in vulnerable life situations. Theories and practices. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-15-05379-0. p {0}. doi: 10.18261/9788215053790-2022-05
- Šolcová, Jana, Seberini, Andrea & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Integrative Elderly Care Model as a Part of a Changing Long-Term Care and Welfare State in Slovakia. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala. ISSN 1583-3410. 77 p {0}. doi: 10.33788/rcis.77.9FULLTEKST
- Flikingerova, Lenka, Tokovska, Miroslava & Petrova, Gabriela (2022). Diversity within Corporate Education at the Slovak Labour and Welfare Administration: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. ISSN 1804-7890. 12(01) p {0}. doi: 10.33543/12014550
- Šolcová, Jana, Tokovska, Miroslava & Kozubik, Michal (2022). Philosophical Concept of Citizenship in Social Work Education: Model of Norway. Sociální práce / Sociálna práca. ISSN 1213-6204. 22(1) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Seben Zatkova, Timea & Jamborova, Lubica (2022). Digital Competencies Development in Higher Education Institutions: A Mixed Methods Research Study. Emerging Science Journal. ISSN 2610-9182. 6 p {0}. doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-011
- Kozubik, Michal, Bobakova, Daniela Filakovska, Mojtova, Martina, Tokovska, Miroslava & van Dijk, Jitse P. (2022). Roma Religion: 1775 and 2018 Compared over Time. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). ISSN 1661-7827. 19(18) doi: 10.3390/ijerph191811645
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Eg, Ragnhild, Bell, Ashley Rebecca & Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg (2022). “Just Be Careful, Since Social Media Is Really Not as Safe as It’s Being Portrayed”: Adolescent Views on Adult Support for Safer Social Media Use. Social Sciences. ISSN 2076-0760. 11(10) doi: 10.3390/socsci11100492
- Bell, Ashley Rebecca, Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg, Tokovska, Miroslava & Eg, Ragnhild (2022). Exploring the role of social media literacy in adolescents' experiences with personalization: A Norwegian qualitative study. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. ISSN 1081-3004. 2023(66) p {0}. doi: 10.1002/jaal.1273FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Šolcová, Jana (2022). The Burden of Next-of-Kin Carers of Dementia Sufferers in the Home Environment. Healthcare. ISSN 2227-9032. 10(12) doi: 10.3390/healthcare10122441
- Marasova, Jana, Seberini, Andrea, Šolcová, Jana & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Dopady technostresu na starších dospelých zamestnancov. Ekonomika Management Inovace. ISSN 1804-1299. 23(2) p {0}. doi: 10.24040/eas.2022.23.2.5-25FULLTEKST
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2021). “I need you to pick him up.” Next of kin’s experiences with
social support in dementia. KONTAKT – Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness. ISSN 1212-4117. p {0}. doi: 10.32725/kont.2021.010FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Kozubik, Michal, Seberini, Andrea & Walli Weihe, Hans Jørgen (2021). Gaming and Gambling Disorders among Elderly and Challenges for Public Health Policy and Social Work. Fórum sociální práce. ISSN 1804-3070. (1) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Seberini, Andrea, Martinkovicova, Miriam, Tokovska, Miroslava & Goth, Ursula Småland (2021). Social and health care services from a public health perspective: Access to social and health care services for the elderly (60+) in the Region of Gemer in Slovakia. KONTAKT – Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness. ISSN 1212-4117. 23(4) p {0}. doi: 10.32725/KONT.2021.038
- Bell, Ashley Rebecca Holt, Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg, Tokovska, Miroslava & Eg, Ragnhild (2021). Exploring adolescents' experiences with personalized content on social media: A qualitative study. I Li, Wanwan & Popescu, Manuela (red.) DIGITAL 2021 Advances on Societal Digital Transformation. International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA). ISBN 9781612089270. p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Seberini, Andrea & Tokovska, Miroslava (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Changing the Content of Social Media Advertising. Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae. ISSN 1733-1218. 19(3) p {0}. doi: 10.21697/seb.2021.19.3.06FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Nour, Magde Mohamed, Sørensen, Anette & Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland (2021). Informal caregivers and psychosocial support: Analysis of European Dementia Policy documents. Journal of Public Health Research. ISSN 2279-9028. 11(1) p {0}. doi: 10.4081/jphr.2021.2416FULLTEKST
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2020). What characterizes studies on social support groups for next of kin of persons with dementia? A qualitative systematic review. Nordic Social Work Research. ISSN 2156-857X. 12(4) p {0}. doi: 10.1080/2156857X.2020.1817134
- Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland, Jermstad, Linnéa K. & Tokovska, Miroslava (2020). Tilrettelegging for trivsel. Mangfold i det norske klasserommet. I Jermstad, Linnéa K. & Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland (red.) Fra barnehage til voksenliv: Utdanning, didaktikk og verdi. Novus Forlag. ISBN 978-82-8390-053-8. p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Kozubik, Michal & Jusko, Peter (2019). How Can Suicidal Behaviour in the Elderly be Prevented? A Scoping Review of the Visegrad Group Countries. Sociální práce / Sociálna práca. ISSN 1213-6204. 19(4) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Tokovska, M. (2019). Kropp, alder og doping: et kjønnsperspektiv. I Wallin Weihe, H. J. (Red.), Doping -Avhengighet, forfengelighet og ytelse. (s.125-134). Oslo: Cappelen Damm. I Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin (red.) Doping, avhengighet, forfengelighet og ytelse. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202586973. p {0}.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Šolcová, Jana (2019). Physical sports activization of the elderly as a determinant to the concept of health promotion. I Görner, Karol & Kompán, Jaroslav (red.) Livskvalitet hos eldre i 2019. Slovenská asociácia kondičných trénerov KTVS FF UMB. ISBN 978-80-570-1579-6. p {0}.
- Rosenberg, Adriana & Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Participation in a support group from the perspective of family caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients. Osetrovatelstvo. ISSN 1338-6263. 7(2) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Rosenberg, Adriana (2017). New trends in non-pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Horyzonty Wychowania. ISSN 1643-9171. 16(40) p {0}. doi: 10.17399/HW.2017.164006
- Kamanova, Irena & Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Seniors - target group of social work. Kamanova, I. & Kucharska, E. (2015). In Wybrane aspekty opieki nad osobami starszymi z perspektywy opieki zdrowotnej i pracy socjalnej. Selected aspects of care for the elderly from the perspective of health care and social work. Tribun.eu. ISBN 9788026308836. FULLTEKST
- Jana, Šolcová, Tokovska, Miroslava & Šeben Zaťková, Timea (2024). Active Education in Older Adults with Use of Smart Technologies. BELIANUM. ISBN 978-80-557-2136-1. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Strategické východiská pre inteligentné aktívne starnutie. I Šeben Zaťková, Timea, Šolcová, Jana & Tokovska, Miroslava (red.) Aktívne starnutie s využitím inteligentných technológií v edukácii. Belianum . ISBN 978-80-572-0422-0. p {0}.
- Alfarnes, Natalia & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Sustainable interaction and citizenship in the kindergarden context .
- Seberini, Andrea, Hronec, Martin & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Demographic Analysis and Resource Allocation in Humanitarian Aid: A Case Study of Age-Specific Service Provision. Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 2453-7683. 27(2) p {0}. doi: 10.46287/DSAA7708
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Safe and independent life with the help of smart technologies. Bezpecny a nezavisly zivot pomoc smart technologii.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Inclusive Aging, Alzheimer’s Disease and Smart Active Ageing. Inkluzivne starnutie, Alzheimerova choroba a aktivne starnutie pomocou smart technologii.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Samsykelighet – et problem kommer sjelden alene, kapittel 18 I S. Overå, M. Martinsen & H.-J. Wallin Weihe (Red.), Penge- og dataspill. Lek, Læring, Lidenskap og Lidelse (s. 143-146). Hertervig Forlag Akademisk. Hertervig Akademisk. ISBN 9788282172493.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Spillevaner og spilleproblemer hos eldre, kapittel 19 I S. Overå, M. Martinsen & H.-J. Wallin Weihe (Red.), Penge- og dataspill. Lek, Læring, Lidenskap og Lidelse (s. 147-154). Hertervig Forlag Akademisk. Hertervig Akademisk. ISBN 9788282172493.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Wallin Weihe, Hans Jørgen (2022). Når eldre får problemer med spill. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X. 03 p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Alzheimer's Disease: Questions and answers.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Dementia - a global health challenge for the 21st century.
- Seberini, Andrea, Tokovska, Miroslava & Marasova, Jana (2022). Technophobia and Technostress in Older Adult Employees as a challenge for Human Resource Management. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Society for all.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Inclusive Education & Person-Centred Thinking for Everyone.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Alzheimerova choroba - Otazky a odpovede. Alzheimer's Disease - Questions and answers.
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Klepsvik, Tove & Stangeland Lie, Silje (2021). Vernepleierstudenter bidrar til å fremme brukernes helse. Fontene. ISSN 0805-5432. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2021). Promoting Health and Well-Being through Inclusive Education.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2021). "How can we provide better care for people with Alzheimer's Dementia?".
- Bell, Ashley Rebecca Holt, Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg, Tokovska, Miroslava & Eg, Ragnhild (2021). Adolescent experiences with personalised social media content.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). „Is there an inclusion at all?“.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). How to understand and manage unwanted behavior in people with Alzheimer disease?
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Slovakia: Aging people with mental disability.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Dementia and persons with intelectual disabilities: facts, research, and early interventions.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Person-centred care in dementia and social support to relatives of persons with dementia.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Lie, Silje Stangeland (2019). Tokovska, M. & Lie, S. S. (2019). «Ikke glem hvem du er!» Vernepleiere i demensomsorgen. I Grung, M. R. (Red.). Vernepleieren - Fremtidsrettet og ettertraktet. Oslo: Fellesorganisasjon. I Grung, Rolf Magnus (red.) Vernepleieren. Fremtidsrettet og ettertraktet. Fellesorganisasjonen. ISBN 978-82-90858-16-7. p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Searching for aging people with mental disabilities and dementia in the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation. Dispenzarizácia starnúcich osôb s mentálnym postihnutím a demenciou v rámci interdisciplinárnej spolupráce. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Tokovska, M. (2019). Kognitivní aktivizace. I Zrubakova,K., Bartosovic, I. (Red.) Nefarmakologicka lecba v geriatrii. ( s. 61-76). Praha: Grada Publishing. Grada Publishing. ISBN 978-80-271-2207-3.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). "Gi beboerne gode øyeblikk" Hva, hvor, når og hvordan skal vi skape det?
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Person-centred care in dementia – Theory in social practice. Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra. ISBN 9788055814926.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Medborgerskap og demens.
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2018). Hva kjennetegner opplevelse og erfaring av sosial støtte hos pårørende til personer med demens? Foreløpige analyse fra fokusgruppeintervju med pårørende.
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2018). Pårørende ved demens, forskning – erfaring.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). De gode øyeblikkene i hverdagen. Aktivisering og stimulering på sykehjem.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin (2017). Spilleproblemer og eldre. Forebygging.no. ISSN 2535-4000. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Metody a metodika socialnej prace III. Manažérske postupy, plánovanie a metódy v sociálnej práci. Socialne planovanie. Methods and Methodology of Social Work III. Managers practices, planning and methods in social work. Planning in Social Services and Social Work . Verbum Forlag. ISBN 978-80-561-0431-6.
- Rosenberg, Adriana & Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Family caregivers experencies of participating in a support group for people with Alzheimer`s disease.
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Hvordan tematiseres pårørendestøtte? Foreløpige resultat fra et systematisk review i vitenskapelige artikler.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Rosenberg, Adriana (2017). Algoritmus ABCDE a strukturovana komunikacia ISBAR v komunitnom osetrovatelstve a socialnej praci. Tool for Systematic Observation of vital Sings "ABCDE" and structurized Communication im Community Nursing and Social Work.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Alzheimer's disease in family. Questions and answers. Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ruzomberok. ISSN 1336-2232. XVI(4)
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Rosenberg, Adriana (2017). Socialna stimulacia a kognitivny trening pre osoby s demenciou.
Social Stimulation and Cognitive Tranining for people with Dementia. Zdravotnictvo a socialna praca. Health and Social Work. ISSN 1336-9326. 12(4) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Demens og utviklingshemning: Hvordan ivareta ressurser, sårbarhet og utfordringer i samhandling?
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Den gode dagen for eldre med demens i Slovakia.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Pårørende med personer med demens sine opplevelser av deltakelse i en samtalegruppe.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Support groups for relatives of people with dementia syndromes in an international context
Problematika podporných skupín príbuzných osôb so syndrómom demencie v medzinárodnom kontexte. PROHUMAN. ISSN 1338-1415. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Support groups for relatives of Alzheimer’s patients. SOLEN Medical Education. ISSN 1336-4790. 13(4) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Meaning of personal involvement in a support group of related with Alzheimer's disease. Vyznam osobnej ucasti blizkej osoby v podpornej skupine pribuznych osob s ochorenim Alzheimerovej choroby.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Chalachanova, Anna (2016). Spolupraca bez rivality v norskych socialnych sluzbach. Cooperation without rivalry in social services in Norway.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin (2016). Opportunities and risks of cyberspace for vulnerable social groups. Belianum. ISBN 978-80-557-1227-7.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Nefarmakologicke pristupy starostlivosti v Skandinavii. Non-pharmacological Approaches to Care in Scandinavia.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Alzheimerova choroba v rodine. Alzheimer's Disease in family.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Sund, Marianne (2016). Aktiviteter og stimulering i hverdagen: "Gi meg de gode øyeblikkene". FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Aktivisering i eldreomsorg i Norge
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Visions and reflections of love in communication with people with Alzheimer's disease.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Innovative tools of individual planning in the social services.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Glørstad, Vibeke (2015). Om dokumentasjonsansvaret for helsepersonell. To fagdager for ansatte i Sandnes kommune 19 og 26 november 2015. "Hvordan holde orden i eget hus?".
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Aktiviteter og miljøterapi for eldre meddemens, seminar for veiledere i praksisfelt for vernepleiere.
- Seberini, Andrea, Izakova, Katarina & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Greenwashing – ciemna strona marketingu ekologicznego. Studium przypadku ze Słowacji. Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae. ISSN 1733-1218. 22(1) p {0}. doi:
- 2020 - nowAssociate ProfessorSchool of Health Sciences, Kristiania University College
- 2015 - 2020Associate ProfessorDepartment of Social Education, VID Specialized University
- 2012 - 2015Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Social Work Matej Bel University, Slovakia
- 2006 - 2012Director of Municipal welfare, health and care servicesBanska Bystrica Municipality, Slovakia
- 2006 - 2012Social worker and general manager for dementia careBanska Bystrica Municipality, Slovakia
- 2005 - 2006Social EducatorOrphanage in Slovakia
- 2002 - 2005Social Educator (part-time)Elderly dementia care in Norway
- 1998 - 2001NurseENT Clinic in Slovakia
- 1996 - 1997NurseOrthopaedic Surgery Clinic in Germany